Contact Us

Use this email contact form to send requests for information to the administrator of this website. If you are looking for information about our weekly rides please click on “Discussion Forums” in the menu on the left and search through the weekly ride forums. There is no formal membership to join or anyone to ask permission. Any ride is open to anyone who wants to attend!

Note: you do not have to register to read the forums or go to the ride destinations. You only need to register if you want to post in the forums.

Ride destinations are posted every week. There is no “meetup location”, everyone just rides their own ride and meets at the destination, usually earlier than the announced time for time to visit. Feel free to come to any ride at any time! It’s all just to RTE – Ride to Eat!

If you have forgotten your password please use the link to resend or reset it. Under the “Username” and “Password” fields is a link that says, “I forgot my password.”

If you have any other questions about the web site, discussion forums, who we are or how you can start your own RTE group, feel free to email me through this contact form below.

Web Site Admin

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